- Tytuł oryginalny: Pingu
- Język oryginalny: Angielski
- Kraj produkcji: Szwajcaria, Wielka Brytania
- Reżyser: Marcello Magni
Pingu Sezon 6 Odcinek 24 • Za Darmo
Mother and Father go out, leaving Pingu sitting at the table with his painting, which needs finishing. Pingu gets some water, and finishes the painting with some blue, and then orange, paint. As he’s admiring the finished painting, a blob of orange paint falls from the brush onto the table. He tries to get it off, but only succeeds in making a bigger mess, and getting it on his chair as well. He then has an idea! He gets a pot of orange paint and a brush from the shed, and paints the table and everything on it, and the chair, orange. He spots a bit he’s missed, and while painting this gets a blob of orange paint on the wall. His solution to this is to make it slightly larger and rounder, and then frame it. As he’s straightening up the frame he gets some more paint on the wall, and then treads in some paint he’s dropped on the floor and leaves footprints behind as he backs away. As he backs out of the igloo he trips, and lands on his sledge, which slides away and into a lump of ice. The impact jogs the pot of paint and the brush out of Pingu’s hands, and these fly into the air and leave orange paint on a couple of igloos and an ice sculpture when they land. Pingu’s solution to this is to add even more paint to most of the igloos in the village, and the sculpture, in a variety of patterns and colours. The villagers see the results of this and gather to discuss what’s happened, and wonder who’s responsible. Then a villager (that is, the postman) saw a trail of footprints, and they follow them to the barrel in which Pingu is hiding. To clear it up Pingu starts to throw snowballs at the paint, and is quickly helped by Pingg and Pingo, which Punki tries to evade them. The other villagers then join in themselves. It then starts snowing heavily, and the new snow soon finishes off the job of getting rid of all the paint.
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Recenzje Odcinka Pingu S06E24
|5 godziny temuJak można było nie zauważyć tego błędu logicznego w 24??Nostalgia90s
|3 dni temukto gra dziś w fifa?PanOczywisty
|3 dni temuta akcja miedzy nimi na końcu... jak ja mam teraz spać? 😱FanHarregoPottera4ever
|4 dni temuhehe widzieliście memy po ostatnim odcinku? xDUżytkownik9876
|4 dni temuczemu Sezon 6 ma tak niskie oceny? moim zdaniem jest świetnyPineappleOnPizza
|7 dni temupodobno budżet na ten sezon jest kosmiczny, mam nadzieję że będzie widać 💰🤑ŚpiochGłowa22
|8 dni temunie mogę się doczekaćAnonymousViewer
|10 dni temuTen dialog w 24 to chyba pisało j#@ane dziecko 🙄NoobMaster69
|10 dni temu24 odcinek był słaby moim zdaniem nie wiem co się dzieje z tym serialemSilentWatcher
|10 dni temudziała wam stream?SamotnyWilk777
|11 dni temuCzemu nikt nie gada o tym co się stało w 24??BananaPhone
|12 dni temuNajgorszy odcinek w historii Pingu 👎CoffeeAddict
|12 dni temuczekałem cały tydzień na TEN odcinek?? 🤦♂️BoomerHumor
|13 dni temunie wierze że wreszcie znalazłem dobrego streamka z najnowszym sezonikiem 😎